The Role of Clean Fuels in an Energy Transition
The Role of Clean Fuels in an Energy Transition
Roadblocks ahead: Internal barriers to trade in Canada’s truck transportation sector

Anti-Israel protestors shut down Golden Gate, disrupt America but they are only getting started [Video]

Israel News

Radical left activists are back at it with a tactic that feels like déjà vu. These weren’t your peaceful protesters rallying on Monday in solidarity with Palestinians; these are disruptors who view chaos as a stepping stone to their anti-capitalist utopia. They’re just pretending to care about what happens in Gaza. It’s crucial that city leaders step up now. If they don’t, we’re not just looking at a repeat of past disruptions—we’re staring down a potentially more vicious wave of activism that threatens our economy.

From the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, activists snarled traffic, creating a hellish commute for people just trying to get home or to work. Passengers likely missed flights out of Sea-Tac airport in Seattle and Chicago O’Hare International Airport thanks to activists blocking the roads in.

The methods are right out of an anarchist’s handbook. “Sleeping dragon” tactics, where protesters handcuff themselves together inside PVC pipes, make it …

Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Provincial trade barriers block Canada’s trucking industry