"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
Standing up for Macdonald’s legacy on campus: Kelsie Walker for Inside Policy

European leaders laud tougher migration policies but more people die on treacherous sea crossings WSOC TV [Video]

Cyprus News

RABAT, Morocco — (AP) — Children dead in the English Channel. Morgues full of migrants reaching capacity in Tunisia. Police in Cyprus patrolling off the island nation’s eastern coast to thwart boats loaded with Syrian refugees.

With pivotal June elections for the European Parliament getting closer, such scenes of despair and tragedy are complicating efforts to open a new chapter in Europe’s migration policy. As the European Union and countries across the 27-member bloc adopt tougher measures on migrants, politicians largely focus their rhetoric on the need to police human trafficking and smuggling — rather than the human drama playing out at sea.

Human rights organizations have for years warned that tougher policies and police crackdowns are not deterring migration but driving desperate people to attempt life-threatening journeys across treacherous waters. Thousands have paid with their lives.

On Tuesday, Tunisia’s Coast Guard recovered 19 bodies near a section of the country’s coastline known as a primary point of …

Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
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