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Francesco Molinari miraculously makes cut at US Open after ace on final hole of second round [Video]

United Arab Emirates News

Majors have not been kind to Francesco Molinari since he won the 2018 Open Championship, but he got the break of a lifetime Friday.

Entering this weekend’s U.S. Open, Molinari had missed the cut in eight of his last 11 majors, including each of the last five.

Molinari was in danger of missing yet another. In fact, it appeared inevitable.


But he produced a miracle.

Molinari was teeing off for the final time in his second round Friday on the par-3 ninth. It was his 18th hole of the day, after he started on the back nine. He was two shots back of the projected cut line and was 5-over.

That meant anything but an ace would have likely resulted in a missed cut.

Despite those improbable odds, he got a perfect roll from his iron shot, and it landed in the cup for the necessary hole-in-one.


Molinari seemed …

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