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French president calls for tougher sanctions against Iran as EU leaders gather for a summit Boston 25 News [Video]

Middle East Breaking News

BRUSSELS — (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday urged his European Union counterparts to ramp up sanctions against Iran as concern grows that its unprecedented attack on Israel could fuel a wider war in the Middle East.

Macron’s remarks came as EU leaders gathered in Brussels for a summit focused on the attack, as well as the war in Ukraine and ways to boost the bloc’s economic competitiveness.

“We need to adapt and expand them,” Macron said of sanctions the EU has already slapped on the Islamic Republic. He said new sanctions should target “those who are helping to produce the missiles and drones that were used during the attack.”

In a draft statement prepared for the meeting, the leaders are set to warn that “the EU is ready to take further restrictive measures against Iran, notably in relation to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and missiles.”

They would also call “on Iran and its proxiesto cease all attacks and (urge) …

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ANTISEMITISM ON CAMPUS / Aaron Wudrick and Sydney Greenspoon
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