Russia and China, partners in the Arctic? / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen with Alex Dalziel
Russia and China, partners in the Arctic? / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen with Alex Dalziel
Take Trump’s tariff and tax ideas seriously: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post

Frydenberg joins push to Zionise Australia’s universities [Video]

Israel News

Australian Jewish youngsters enrolled in Jewish schools are tutored in a “love of Israel”. But what happens when suitably socialised students hit the university?

(Jewish) American academic and journalist Eric Alterman has commented on the phenomenon on U.S. campuses (‘Biden’s Lonely Stance on the War in Gaza’, Le Monde Diplomatique, February 2024):

‘Almost all upper-middle-class American Jewish high school students go on to college. Most do so, however, having been educated about Israel in an ideological bubble. In college, they enter an alternative universe in which Israel is understood to be the oppressor and the Palestinians their victims. This caused cognitive dissonance and the result was often panic.’

What is termed “insecurity” for Jewish university students is rather cognitive dissonance in the face of accurate descriptions of Israel’s character.

Former Liberal MP and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg (schooled at Mount Scopus) wants university campus protest encampments closed down.

He asserted in mid-May:

“Our universities must …

Double Trouble: COLD WAR 2.0 / Balkan Devlen with George Takach
Double Trouble: COLD WAR 2.0 / Balkan Devlen with George Takach
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