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Im a rich housewife & my hubby pays me 55k a month to be a mum – Im too busy shopping though so the nanny does it all [Video]

United Arab Emirates News

A MILLIONAIRE housewife has revealed that she is given £55,000 a month by her husband, for looking after their baby.

However, she admitted that she is too busy shopping for expensive clothes and getting her nails done, so pays a nanny to do all of the work.

Linda gets paid £55k a month to look after her babyCredit: tiktok@lionlindaa
She said she’s too busy shopping to change nappiesCredit: tiktok@lionlindaa

Linda Andrade, lives in Dubai with her rich husband Ricky and their new daughter Amira.

The influencer often shares insights into the family’s life together, and has previously revealed that her baby has a solid gold dummy and a Dior pram.

Linda said that looking after her baby is a “full time job”, despite the fact that she has a nanny.

She said that the nanny only costs her £8,000 a month, so she is making a massive profit off her allowance.

“If you think about, it’s like a whole business”, she …

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