Foreign Interference in Canada: What we learned from NSICOP
Foreign Interference in Canada: What we learned from NSICOP
Angry voters punishing governments for poor economic policies: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post

Mother from Middle East look forward to freedom as a U.S. citizen [Video]

Middle East Breaking News

On average, each year, 760,000 people from around the world take the steps and an oath to become Americans.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Before You Vote is an ongoing project by 10News to promote and inspire your participation in the democratic process. Be a good citizen! Take time to vote!

 In the City County Building in downtown Knoxville, it’s standing room-only in the Main Assembly Room. Dozens of families and friends look on as more than 150 people from around the world prepare to pledge their allegiance to the United States of America.  

A U.S. magistrate judge stands before the audience to address the soon-to-be US citizens.

“You will have the freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom to think on your own and form your own opinions,” said U.S. Magistrate Judge Debra C. Poplin.

In the crowd sits Suheir Tabanja. The mother of three moved with her husband from the West …

The future of US-Canada relations / Double Trouble: CNAPS at AEI
The future of US-Canada relations / Double Trouble: CNAPS at AEI
Double Trouble – NATO and the Indo-Pacific: Balkan Devlen with Alexander Lanozska and Jonathan Berkshire Miller