Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy in a quickly changing world / Jeff Kucharski / MLI in Parliament
The next PM must remind Canada’s public servants who really runs the show: David Mulroney in the Hub

Niece of Hamas hostages: Hamas blatant disregard for human life is devastating [Video]

Middle East Breaking News

Hanna Siegel, the niece of hostages Keith and Aviva Siegel, joins Peter Alexander to discuss the unease spurred by lengthy ceasefire negotiations. Hanna’s aunt Aviva was freed from captivity in November but Ken, who Hanna described as “the most gentle” member of the family, is still being held by Hamas.June 12, 2024

ANTISEMITISM ON CAMPUS / Aaron Wudrick and Sydney Greenspoon
ANTISEMITISM ON CAMPUS / Aaron Wudrick and Sydney Greenspoon
No reason for Canada to rush AI policy