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US-built pier in Gaza is facing its latest challenge whether the UN will keep delivering the aid [Video]

Israel News

WASHINGTON – The U.S.-built pier to bring food to Gaza is facing one of its most serious challenges yet — its humanitarian partner is deciding if it can safely and ethically keep delivering supplies arriving by the U.S. sea route to starving Palestinians.

The United Nations, the player with the widest reach delivering aid within Gaza, has paused its work with the pier after a June 8 operation by Israeli security forces that rescued four hostages and killed more than 270 Palestinians. Adding to the troubles, two U.S. officials said Friday that the pier would be detached again because of rough seas to prevent it from breaking apart as it did in bad weather last month.

Rushing out a mortally wounded Israeli commando after the raid, Israeli rescuersopted against returning the way they came, across a land border, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokesman, told reporters. Instead, they sped toward the beach and the site of the U.S. aid hub on …

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