Double Trouble: Goodbye globalization? Balkan Devlen with Elisabeth Braw
Double Trouble: Goodbye globalization? Balkan Devlen with Elisabeth Braw
Canada Does a Poor Job Stewarding Our Energy Future: Nanos Research Poll

A man is suing BP over his sons tragic death. Can he win? | World News [Video]

Iraq News

From eleven-year-old activists to rural farmers, ordinary people around the world are taking on oil giants – and winning.

A case filed by an Iraqi man is the latest in a string of environmental lawsuits shaking up the oil and gas industry.

Hussein Julood is taking on UK oil giant BP over the death of his son, Ali.

Hussein claims the burning off of gas at a BP oil field emitted harmful pollutants that caused his son’s leukaemia.

But why are so many turning to environmental lawsuits, and do they really have the power to make a change?

Hussein Julood is taking legal action against BP following the death of his son, Ali, who died at the age of 21 in April last year.

When he was first diagnosed at the age of 15, Ali dropped out of school.

The family were desperate to find a way to pay for his medical treatment. They sold their …

Government transparency suffers under broken Access-to-Information system / MLI in Parliament
Government transparency suffers under broken Access-to-Information system / MLI in Parliament
Double Trouble – Goodbye globalization? Balkan Devlen with Elisabeth Braw for Inside Policy Talks