Douglas Murray and Brian Lee Crowley: In Defence of Western Civilization
Douglas Murray and Brian Lee Crowley: In Defence of Western Civilization
Roadblocks ahead: Internal barriers to trade in Canada’s truck transportation sector

How some children living in the homes of wounded warriors become family caregivers [Video]

Iraq News

Two million Americans served in Afghanistan and Iraq. And at least 600,000 have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. For the most part, the U.S. is doing better recognizing and treating these wounded warriors. But less well known are millions more who are in need but remain hidden. They are the children living with injured veterans. In a profound sense, PTSD can be contagious. Many children have become caregivers confronting depression and fear. And you will hear tonight that the stress can be so great it can lead to attempts of suicide. You’re about to meet two courageous families who spoke to us so that others can know that help is on the way for America’s children of war. 

In 2011, Chuck Rotenberry was a Marine on patrol in Afghanistan when an improvised landmine detonated a few feet away. 

Chuck Rotenberry: Which sent me down a hill 20, 30 feet, …

Out of control immigration is breaking the CDN social contract: Aaron Wudrick with Siavash Safavi
Out of control immigration is breaking the CDN social contract: Aaron Wudrick with Siavash Safavi
Provincial trade barriers block Canada’s trucking industry