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Biden looks lost as he wanders behind podium, stares at floor as Jordan’s King Abdullah II speaks [Video]

Jordan News

Biden looks lost as he wanders behind podium, stares at floor as Jordan’s King Abdullah II speaks

A confused-looking President Biden paced back and forth behind King Abdullah II of Jordan Monday, apparently unsure of where to stand ahead of the royal’s remarks.

“Your majesty, over to you,” Biden, 81, told the king after welcoming him to the White House.

As Abdullah prepared to deliver his speech, the president shuffled around behind him and the podium, gazing down at the floor as if looking for a mark indicating the proper place for him to stand.

Biden waffled between two spots before settling on what was initially his first choice, to Abdullah’s left and in front of the Jordanian flag.

The president’s indecision appeared to throw off the king, who at one point looked over his left shoulder expecting to see Biden, who wasn’t there.


#joebiden #kingabdullah #whitehouse

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